Mass Timber Resources


Learn about forests and forest management across Washington, including land ownership, certifications, and state regulations.

Skokomish Tribe CEO Tom Strong: The story of our forests
PDX Next

Learn about the Skokomish Tribe's forest management, and contribution to the new mass timber structure at the Portland International Airport.

Yakama Forest Products’ Cristy Fiander: The story of our forests
PDX Next

Learn about Yakama Nation's forest management, and contribution to the new mass timber structure at the Portland International Airport.

Future Forests Northwest
Sustainable Northwest

Sustainable Northwest is working with mill owners, environmentalists, and building professionals to restore forest health and create a new generation of sustainable buildings. SNW offers other wood advisor services for mass timber projects.

Washington Prescribed Fire Council

Prescribed fire is the planned, professional application of fire in the right place, at the right time. It is a safe, effective process that has been sidelined for the last 100 years as we suppressed wildfire on a state and national level.

20-Year Forest Health Strategic Plan: Central and Eastern Washington
Washington State Department of Natural Resources

In central and eastern Washington alone, there are 2.7 million acres of unhealthy forest. That’s why more than 33 organizations and agencies came together in 2017 to address the crisis with a 20-Year Forest Health Strategic Plan. This plan, grounded in science, sets a bold goal of restoring 1.25 million acres of forest to healthy conditions, increasing fire resilience and better protecting our communities.

DNR Wood Supply Draft Report
Eevergreen Economics

This study estimates the current and future supply and demand for wood in Washington State west of the Cascade crest based on the current forest practices of private forest landowners, state trust lands, and federal lands.

Chewalah A to Z: Public Forest Restoration on Colville National Forest
Vaagen Brothers Lumber

The story of how the USFS and Vaagen Brothers restored forest stand conditions, reduced hazardous fuels, improved aquatic habitat, and improved recreation opportunities within the South Chewelah, North Chewelah, and Addy watersheds.

Incorporating Tribal Priorities into USFS Wildfire Crisis Strategy
Udall Foundation

Hear directly from the 30 Tribal and US Forester Service professionals working on the ground in forestry and fire across the country about the lessons learned from implementing the Wildfire Crisis Strategy in partnership with tribes.

Global Warming Mitigating Role of Forests in Washington State, by Land Ownership Type
University of Washington, Center for International Trade in Forest Products (CINTRAFOR)

Through comprehensive analyses of the region-specific private/corporate, WA-DNR, and USFS forestlands, this study assesses the role of Washington’s forestsin mitigating global warming.

Washington Forest Products Roundtable
Washington State Department of Commerce

The Forest Products Roundtable is a collaborative forum devoted to the economics and sustainability of wood products and the societal recognition of the benefits of managed forests.

WA State Forest Resource and Capacity Utilization Mapping

Provides GIS and related data resources focused on regional forest, wood processing sites, transportation networks and other infrastructure

UW Natural Resource Spatial Informatics Group
Natural Resource Spatial Informatics Group

Supports multi-scale resource assessments for forestry organizations including geospatial models and analyses

Pledge your support.

Pledge your commitment to sustainably and equitably accelerating the adoption of mass timber in construction, in Washington and nationally.